Hsc300 Unit 5 Assignment 1

155 Words1 Pages
Despite of sending email reminders, WhatsApp messages, Phone calls, Coachings, Counselling from your team leader, if you are still not adhering to your AUX 1 time frame then we would consider it as a behavioral problem. Let me reiterate this again, your shift consists of 2, 15 minutes AUX 1 before and after your lunch break and you all have to manage your time and adhere to the 15 minutes timeframe. There can be days where you exceed your break due to sickness or any other excuse, but these excuses can only be valid once in a while, not everyday! Unless you are not medically fit, you are required to present a medical report from your panel doctor for HR review. Please consider this as a final warning, there will not be any other entertaining

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