Huck Finn Character Analysis Essay

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“You don’t know about me, without you have read a book by the name of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, but that ain’t no matter.”(pg130) This first line of the story tells us that it is going to be told in first-person. Huck is the narrator in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. The reader gets the chance to see everything that goes on through Huck’s eyes. Throughout the story words like “I” and “We” are used by the narrator. Huck is not an observer in the story, but he is the protagonist. In this novel the major conflict is Huck growing and maturing as a person, that is why it is best told from his point of view. This point-of-view that Twain wrote the novel in strengthens Huck’s characterization. Huck is a young impressionable boy with a drunk