Huck Finn Social Class Analysis

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Social classes help to shape the way society thinks and makes decisions. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain satirizes social classes to help Huck make his own decision by the end of the book. He does this by making fun of each social class ; in the high class they break rules without worries, in the middle class they focus on morals and religion, in the low class they pretend to be more than what they are. When he is with the middle class he is taught right from wrong. In the high class he is taught about privileges. The low class teaches him about scamming others and making fast money. Twain placing Huck with the middle class helps him to learn about morals and the ideal society. People in the middle class have high standards …show more content…

The fact that Miss Watson doesn’t allow Huck to smoke portrays how she is living her live the way society wants her to. Although she has Jim as a slave which is against the bible, but also morally right at this time. After learning about the middle class Twain puts Huck with the high class. On his journey Huck finds himself living with the Shepherdsons for awhile. By having Huck live with the Shepherdsons it reveals how the high class is privileged. When the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords are at church they bring their guns with them (104). The way that the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords can take their guns with to church represents how they aren’t afraid of the law. Huck is talking with Buck and he explains that “many [people have been] killed” over their family fued between the Grangerfords (105). Buck uses words such as “ oh yes” when asked has anybody been killed this year (105). The fact that Buck has nonchalant tone portrays he is use to all of the killing that happens in his family. This reveals how the high class live their lives according to the way that they want. During this time the high class was seen as the royals because the 10th amendment stated that no one was above the law in

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