Huckleberry Finn Chapter 1-13 Summary

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Chapter thirteen begins as Tom starts to cry as he decides he is going to leave his life behind and become a criminal. He meets up with friend Joe Harper, and he seems to be in a similar state. Joe was whipped by his mother for drinking some cream. The boys meet Huckleberry Finn and convince him to come along on their journey. Around midnight the boys meet at the riverbank and steal a raft to head out to Jackson’s island. Ham, trifles, bacon, a skillet, leaf tobacco, corn cobs are all brought along on the journey. Their names are changed to Huck Finn the Red-Handed, Joe Harper the Terror of the Seas, and the Black Adventure of the Spanish Maine. Three miles below St. Petersburg on the Mississippi there’s a wooden island and that’s where the boys will begin their …show more content…

Among the raft Tom gives orders to the other boys, though they don’t really even listen. In two in the morning the boys arrive and the sail from the raft was used to put over the bushes for their shelter. Dinner is made as the three boys enjoy bacon over the fire and their new lives. Sitting around the fire the boys talk about their new lives, and Tom seems to know all about the life of a pirate. Pirates to Tom were great and respected. Living as a pirate was better than a hermit, a person living in solitude as a religious discipline, which is what Joe’s career was previously going to be. Huck asked “What do pirates even have to do?” The boys talk about burning ships, stealing money, killing people, but not the women, and wearing clothes of gold, diamonds, and silver. Drowsiness soon filled the island as Huck fell asleep and Joe and Tom’s heads filled