Huckleberry Finn Chapter Analysis

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Starting with chapter 34, Tom has a plan to help Jim get out of jail. Even though Huck is doubting Toms decision, to help a slave for it could ruin his reputation. Then in chapters 36-38, the next evening, Tom and Huck try to use the case-knives to dig a tunnel under the cabin, but after a few hours they stop realizing they need better tools. Coming up with a better plan, Tom assures Jim that they will change the plans immediately if something goes wrong. Both Huck and Tim start smuggling “escape” tools into the cabin, and Aunt Sally notices that items are missing from the house. To confuse her, Tom and Huck continually take and replace sheets and spoons until Aunt Sally does not know how many she had to start with. Finally they tear up one of the sheets and smuggle it into Jim’s cabin …show more content…

The next day, Tom continues to find new distractions for Jim’s escape. To be done properly and according to the books, Tom says they must have stone. Despite Jim’s protests, Tom decides that the cabin needs other residents, including spiders and snakes, in order to make it a proper dungeon and Jim a proper prisoner. In chapters 39-40, Huck returns to the house to pick up some butter and finds that the Plelps have gathered 15 men to battle the gang of cutthroats. Alarmed, Huck sneaks out the window and warns Tom that the men are here, and they must all escape immediately. When the men come to the cabin, Jim and the boys slip out of the hole and head for the river amidst shouts and gunshots. They make it to the raft but then discover that Tom has been shot in the calf. Tom tells them to shove off, but Jim will not leave until a doctor has looked at Tom. Chapters 40-43, Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas, rattled by the mysterious letter, send Tom and Huck to bed right after supper. Later that night, Huck sees that fifteen uneasy local farmers with guns have gathered in the front room of the house. Huck goes to the shed to warn Jim and Tom, but news of the armed men only excites Tom even