Huckleberry Finn Friendships

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Friendship Has Many Forms In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, the main character Huck goes through many changes. The changes he endures include where he lives, as he started with Widow Douglas, then he was forced to move in with his dad who doesn’t care about him, he just cares about Huck’s money. When he escaped the grasp of his “father”, he lived on a raft with his friend Jim, who is a runaway slave. While Huck’s living conditions are changing, he meets new people and notices how they have different feelings than he does. Throughout Huck Finn, the friendships between the characters point out their differences and their similarities- how far were they willing to go to scam someone? Huck took friendship as a whole very seriously but the most important thing to him in friendship was loyalty. This is why he stayed with Jim through everything until the end. Huck would risk anything for him, even if he thought that eternal damnation awaits him for helping Jim escape. “Jim said it made …show more content…

They are not necessarily friends, they are more partners in crime. “Old man,’ says the young one, “I reckon we might double-team it together; what do you think?” (Twain p.122). When they came upon Huck and Jim they did not know each other. Little did they know, they were both scamming people out of their money before they met. Their character did not change when they met Huck and Jim. They pretended to be people they were not so the boys would give them special treatment and complete tasks for them. “Gentlemen,” says the young man, very solemn, “ I will reveal it to you, for I feel I may have confidence in you. By rights I am a duke!”(Twain p.123). The young man became the Duke and the old the King. “Bilgewater, I am the late Dauphin!”(Twain p.125). Throughout Huck Finn, the friendships between the characters point out their differences and their similarities- how far were they willing to go to scam