Huck Finn Literary Analysis The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, has become one of the most influential works ever written. The story takes place between the 1830’s and 40’s, following a young boy, Huckleberry, who is running away from his alcoholic father. He ran into an escaped slave, Jim, and the two decide to venture down the Mississippi river in hopes of fleeing their troubles. Throughout the novel Twain promotes many great themes; however, one of the most prominent themes that he places before the audience is A person’s morals will often differ from what society views as correct. Twain promotes this theme with his expert usage of conflict, language, and satire. Twain uses conflict, specifically internal conflict, to show Huck deciding between societies beliefs and his own. This is first developed in the middle of the story. “Well, I just felt sick. But I says, I got to [turn Jim in]- I can’t get out of it” (Twain 89). This is showing Huck feeling as though he must turn Jim in. He says he can’t get out of doing it. This is ultimately due to the pressure that society puts on Huck. Though he eventually decides against turning Jim in, this conflict shows up again later in the book. Huck thinks about what society wants from him. He …show more content…
He used the novel to get across many points, but he also introduced a larger theme that is still relevant today: A person’s morals will often differ from what society views as correct. He developed this theme using a variety of literary devices, such as conflict, language, and satire. He seemed to have a great understanding for these devices and how they could impact the story he was portraying. Twain took views that went against society's beliefs, similar to many people at this time, which came across especially in his portrayal of Huck. All things considered, Mark Twain did an excellent job promoting the theme that drove his