Huckleberry Finn Persuasive Essay

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n this society, lots of people claim to believe when they do not really believe. Mark Twain features a lot of phenomena like that throughout The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. In the novel, he fiercely opposes this kind of fake practice and even states that through Huck’s mouth, “ I didn’t care no more about him, because I don’t take no stock in dead people(Twain 4).” He demonstrates the hypocrisy of religion involved in all classes at the time and good and bad sides of humanity. Many of the people like Mrs. Watson and Grangerford family act as the typical religious followers in this society and regarded as good persons, yet their loyalty to God is ostensible. In contact, Huck is always the one who claims not trusting God, but actually, he is the honest and most righteous person in the whole novel.
Ironically, Huck is the most Christ-like figure in this novel. Nevertheless, he is not considered as a good kid at that time because of his rebellion behaviors …show more content…

However, her love for God is totally superficial. She never truly understands the concept of God’s relationship with human and the meaning of the Bible. She puts Huck in the closet and pray, tells him “to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it” (16). Because in Matthew 6:6 is said: “ But thou, when thou prayest, enter into the closet.” But actually, that means believer should fully devote to God when they are praying. Not only misconception of the Bible, she actually does not really fully obey God as she looks like. She does not allow Huck to smoke and says it is “ a mean practice and wasn’t clean”(4), meanwhile, she takes snuff. She is taught by God to love everyone, but she owns a slave and plans to sell him for money. She is a rule follower who does not really have her own thought. The way she obeys God is in oral, not by heart. Her ridiculous religious attitude reveals the religious system’s primary problem of