
Human Development Is Shaped By A Continuous Interaction Between Biology And Experience

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The statement “human development is shaped by a dynamic and continuous interaction between biology and experience” simply means that we are shaped by our genetics but we are also shaped by our environments at a very young age. Our genetics and environments have an impact on the way a child develops because development occurs early on and it is a continuous cycle of development that occurs through a persons life, or at least according to Piaget’s theory which can be found in the book. For example A child who is scared of the dark. The child’s nature could be that they are naturally fearful, but maybe they saw a scary movie at night time as well that did not help the situation, they make the connection that the dark is scary and now they avoid …show more content…

A missing chromosome can affect the persons quality of life or a rare genetic mutation can also have an impact. A duplicate chromosome 21 cause down syndrome and other mutations can cause many other complications. A child’s development can also be affect by genetics, parents expect their children to be able to do different tasks such as speak around the age of two. If not it can be worry some because maybe the child has a speech impediment or the child could be mute and thus development is lacking. For example Helen Keller who had many impediments, still managed to develop mentally, however it was different for her than for someone without the same complications. Not only do genetics affect a child’s development it also affects their health. A persons health is not only based off their healthy eating habits but their genetics as well. For example children who are born with cystic fibrosis, it is much more difficult for them to run a 5k than for someone who does not have the same condition. It is hard for that child to have the same lifestyle than someone who has no limitations. Vaccines are not only imposed by the government but it is a measure made by the government, so that children can be protected against certain diseases. The government also has an impact on a child’s life. The government requires that children be put in a car seat that is …show more content…

How humans develop and become those 23 chromosomes is simple. It occurs when fertilization happens. The egg first is released by the ovary after it goes to the fallopian tubes.The ovum has to be mature and only has a few hours be fertilized. Once the sperm has entered the vagina it beings to compete to reach the egg, each sperm is on the hunt to reach the egg but it takes them about 2 days. Although the cervix kills many of the sperm because it secretes acid except for one day which is ovulation but even then many do not make it. Once the sperm has gotten to the egg, that does not mean that the egg will accept it. The egg is picky and has many cells protecting it, the egg decides if the sperm is allowed in or not. Before this occurs however the egg must be able to past the hard shell that the egg has that protects. After the sperm passes the hard shell it gets to the egg. The egg then shuts off all the cells that signal the sperm which are called sperm receptors.The egg and the sperm 24 hours later begin to divide and multiply, then it begins to move to the uterine wall. From the uterine wall it makes it way to the uterus where it implants itself. Humans really are

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