Human Emotions In Sara Teasdale's Blue Squills

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ature is a powerful force. It produces great storms like earthquakes, blizzards, and tsunamis that are beyond any human control. It also can evoke emotions; people experience wonder when beholding the Grand Canyon, or fear when confronted with an erupting volcano. Images of nature are often used in mediums like paintings, films, and literature due to the powerful and emotional reactions it elicits from the audience. Sara Teasdale uses descriptions of nature in her poetry in order to better express human emotion. One of the most common emotions Teasdale expresses is love. Nature’s beauty is often intensified to the viewer when in love, so by talking of nature in a very passionate way, the reader can interpret the narrator’s feelings. In “Blue Squills,” the narrator says, “How many million Aprils came / Before I ever knew / How white a cherry bough could be, / A bed of squills, how blue.” The narrator is seeing the world as if in a whole new light and feeling intensely for the beauty around her, due to the intense feelings she has inside. She goes on to say, “O shaken flowers, O shimmering trees, / O sunlit white and blue, / Wound me, that I through endless sleep / May …show more content…

She is saying that she wouldn’t mind if she is hurt by love, so