Peter Singer Animal Liberation Analysis

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Peter Singer, in the first chapter of his book Animal Liberation clearly articulates that non-human animals have the capacity to suffer, feel pain and pleasure like humans. Through demonstrating that all species behave according to their desire to reduce pain and increase pleasure this paper will argue that the human social contract protecting human interests should be extended to protect the interest of all conscious beings. Allowing all species, human and non-human to share the same moral status. Many animals have been witnessed showing sympathy to humans in physical and emotional pain. I hope this paper will assist more humans acknowledge and prevent other species from suffering physical or emotional pain.

Singer points out that all beings …show more content…

Looking at pets for example, society implements laws protecting these animals because becoming aware of a pet in pain would lead to human discomfort due to numerous facts such as the strong friendly bond people have with their pets. Though if we look at the case of eating meat, most of society does not extend their moral code to protect the animals farmed or hunted for food because they are protecting their interests such as the pleasure they enjoy from the taste of meat or the energy it gives their bodies. The interest of not having to pay more than required is also a strong contributing factor to the way animals are treated. Here human moral code is not extended to look after these animals. Because even though farming and hunting animals has extreme consequences to the environment and the animals suffering on farms, it has little direct discomfort to humans such as seeing a mans best friend in pain. Noting that laws protecting peoples pets are more for the emotional comfort of humans and not necessarily for the welfare of animals can be highlighted with the treatment of stray animals. Fortunately in many modern societies throughout the world the treatment of stray animals has drastically improved due to charity efforts. Though these stray animals that are not owned by humans are animals of the same species that many humans own as pets. The difference is that these animals are not owned. Therefore no one has a strong emotion bond or direct interest in these animals unless due to special cases of compassion. This leaves these animals to receive different treatment to animals owned as pets. The moral codes and laws that protect pets do not protect strays. Society finds it acceptable to subject strays to harsher treatment and suffering that would not be acceptable if inflicted on pets, such as being kept for long times in cages or