
Human Rights Violations In Australia Essay

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The Western nations of Europe and the Americas have been and most likely will be the world’s most powerful and strong countries in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that Western countries tend to meddle in foreign affairs concerning less developed countries and cause a larger global issue amongst themselves. While doing this, international human rights laws may be violated, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.
Australia has committed many war crimes and violated both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and international law. One example of these human right violations is the illegal detention of refugees on the island of Manus. First, the terms of …show more content…

Governments is not allowed choose who to allow into its country but the Australian government has only allowed refugees with certain characteristics that align with the kind of migrants the Australian government prefers based on race and religion. Australia detains all migrants that are caught if they are illegal, and they are housed on prison like detention centers. This contrasts with Article 7 that blantly states that this type of discrimination is a violation of basic human rights and thereby makes Australia guilty of violating international human …show more content…

The United Kingdom has only welcomed 18% of the refugees that it promised to. The refugees in the United Kingdom are also subject to the probability of being sent back to the country of persecution. In the United Kingdom, immigrants are routinely deported, and treated inhumanely, violating UDHR article 5 which prevents degrading treatment.
France also violates the UDHR in its treatment of migrants and refugees. France has housed refugees in Calais,“the population of this camp, known locally as the New Jungle, has doubled in the space of a month, and quadrupled from around 1,500 in early summer” (The Horror of the Calais). In Calais living conditions are horrendous, and overcrowding and disease are rampant. These conditions are a direct violation of the UDHR article 3 which states migrants have rights to adequate living

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