Human Services Code Of Ethics Essay

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Code of Ethics The development of human needs and issues led to the establishment of the field of human services in the 1960s. An appreciation of people in all their diversity is a hallmark of human services, which assist their clients in the context of their communities and environments. Human service professionals and those who educate them promote and encourage the distinctive values and characteristics of human services. By doing so, professionals in human services uphold the ethics and integrity of their field, help clients and the community thrive, and advance their careers. This code is used by members of the National Organization for Human Services, students and faculty enrolled in relevant academic degree programs, researchers, administrators, …show more content…

Human service professionals working under Standard 2 must first obtain a client's informed consent before beginning a helping relationship. Clients should be able to ask questions and be informed that they can revoke their consent at any time, except for when required to do so by court order, before agreeing to the services. For clients who are unable to give consent, an informed consent statement should be reviewed by those legally authorized to do so, and appropriate consent should be given. 3. Standard: Human service providers uphold the client's right to privacy and confidentiality, except for situations in which doing so would seriously harm the client or others, as stated in agency policies, or in other specific circumstances (such as laws from local, state, or federal jurisdictions). Clients are informed of the confidentiality restrictions by human service professionals prior to the beginning of the helping …show more content…

Human service teachers who adhere to standard 38 are dedicated to the ideals of accessibility and inclusion and make every effort to make education accessible to students with disabilities. Human service educators adhere to high academic standards in their scholarship, pedagogy, and professional service. Additionally, they participate in professional associations, attend workshops and conferences, and review and/or conduct research to stay up to date on the most recent developments in their field. In exercises like case material, awards, studios, exploration, distributions, and other related exercises, standard 40 human assistance teachers recognize the commitments that understudies make to the instructor's work. Human service teachers in standard 41 keep an eye on students' field experiences to make sure the placement site, supervisory experience, and learning experience are up to par with students' goals for personal, professional, academic, career, and civic