Human Sexuality Socially Constructed Essay

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Human sexuality has been socially constructed in today’s society so much so that a boy that wanted to dress up as his favourite princess would be made fun of and it is frowned upon when a women decides to be the dominant one in a relationship . These examples are deemed to be non-normal or unnatural because society has dictated what normal is. A boy should only like boy things and a woman should be the submissive partner because society has socially constructed these beliefs. Social Constructionism is defined as the way that social phenomena are able to be developed through particular social contexts. This is made evident when a concept or practice that seems natural or normal to those who accept it, is in reality a creation or invention of a particular culture or society and therefore it is a social construct. Social constructs are simply products of human choices rather than laws of nature or …show more content…

When society talks about sex, it is accepted that they are talking about a man and a woman. Therefore heterosexuality is central to society’s definitions of sex and deviations are seen to be abnormal (Measor, Tiffin, & Miller, 2000). Heterosexuality is what partly structures strict ideas of what is means to be a man or woman and how to act within the world , so all those who think outside of this model are considered a threat to morality, the family, and ultimately society. As stated above the same question may be applied to heterosexuality, ‘why are laws needed to maintain something that is natural?”. There are no laws telling people how they should sleep but socially there are laws on sexuality. The LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender) community has struggled in their questioning of the normal or naturalness of heterosexuality as well as fighting for the rights of those who have been marginalised based on their