Human Trafficking In China Essay

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In their efforts to prohibit human trafficking, The Republic of China formulated the (2008-2012) National Plan to Combat human Trafficking in women and Children who were the most vulnerable to fall prey for the traffickers. China has been cited as a transit nation for human trafficking to Thailand and Malaysia and therefore the policy action was an awakening call to avert a crisis by providing legal and humanitarian assistance to the victims. Despite the various international treaties and policies, there leaves a lot to be done that begs for strong concerted efforts to eradicate the vice. Human trafficking is a delicate social problem whose impact is felt like a global disaster, as well as an economic benefit in disguise. Statistics indicated that human trafficking contributed $31billion to the global economic index in the year 2010. This indicator would influence some opponents to claim that the act is more of an economic activity than castigated to be a social disaster. Other opponents claim that human trafficking is wholly on a voluntary basis, and therefore governments should only concentrate on child trafficking due to their mental incapacity to judge as …show more content…

For instance, when a trafficker is apprehended in a foreign land, it creates legal battle as the hosts nations insist on prosecuting the offender in their country while the parent’ nations claim the former has no legal obligation to do so. As a result, the culprit is let to wander and continue with the activities. In addition, some nations prescribe anti-human trafficking as an offense within the criminal penal code. Thus, a human trafficker is entitled to bond release; a factor that has been attributed to the escalating acts of human slavery and prostitution. Therefore, the effort to eradicate incentive structures and reduce human trafficking ends in

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