Hyper-Sexualization Of Young Women In The Media

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Hyper-Sexualization of Young Girls because of the Media Girls all over the world are told from a young age to not be ashamed of their body and try to hide it because the female body is beautiful, but has this idea of owning what girls have gone a little too far? The hyper-sexualization of young girls has happened so often and for so long that people have come up with a term for the girls that are perceived as overly sexualized. The term “Lolita” refers to a young girl who is “prematurely, even inappropriately, sexual” (Durham 25). How did this happen? In the article “Hyper-Sexualization of Women in the Media” the author states “the media sets hyper-sexualized beauty standards and sends out the message that they need to be beautiful in the eyes of the men to be accepted” (student123 2). The hyper-sexualization of young girls is because of what they see in the media and in stores every day, which can, and has caused serious side effects. …show more content…

In movies, girls and women are supposed to be seen and not heard and are encouraged to dress sexy. Nanci Hellmich stated that in movies “female teenage characters were more likely to wear sexy, provocative clothing (40%) than other women- even more those ages 21 to 39 (32%)” (Hellmich 1). Even in Disney movies, the princesses, who are even young themselves, show unrealistic images of what teenagers’ bodies should look like. The fact that the youngest Disney princess is fourteen angers many people as well. Many say that Disney princesses make their daughters less imaginative and

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