
Hyperbole By Jessica Townsen Quotes

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In the novel Nevermoor (2017) by Jessica Townsend, she uses plot development and character growth along with characters to explore the theme of belonging. Plot development relates to characters because the longer she stays in Nevermoor the closer she becomes with Jupiter and Hawthorne and jack and everyone else. Through character growth she also works on her flaws to connect with the other characters. These points are how Townsend shows the theme belonging.

Townsend expertly uses characters to powerfully explore the theme of belonging through Morrigan's experience in the trials. This is shown with her friendship with Hawthorne. On the Pg 181 Morrigan says “Hawthorne was giving his friendship as if it meant nothing he couldn’t know that it …show more content…

Likewise, In this quote on page 187 “I want brothers and sisters… by me forever no matter what” Townsend uses hyperbole to emphasise that Morrigan wants to join the wondrous society considering that she talks about “brothers and sisters'' showing that she feels left out and shows a theme of otherness. Then as the plot develops she can grow and not feel this otherness. Finally being able to belong somewhere. Ultimately on page 445 Morrigan thinks to herself “just for a tiny thing like this pin. But it wasn’t tiny. It was a big-very big promise. The promise of family, and belonging, and friendship.” This quote uses symbolism and contrast, the symbolism is illustrated when she says the pin is “the promise of family. . . Belonging, and friendship.” The symbol demonstrates the importance of the pin to Morrigan, how to some, it may seem small,but to Morrigan it meant that she would finally be accepted, moreover belonging to something. In addition the contrast is conveyed through, how too many, it is just a small pin But to Morrigan it is a big thing, what she wanted the moment she heard of the society and was more than just the pin she has dreamt of having a family. To sum up my point this is how Townsend has

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