Hyperinsulinemia Personal Statement

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Two decades prior to starting my medical career, my two younger siblings came into this world with a rare form of hyperinsulinemia. Neonatologists and pediatric surgeons felt that the only way to help them was to surgically remove a significant portion of their pancreases since this anomaly was quite rare. A consequence of these interventions would have them to develop diabetes as they approached their teenage years. Being the eldest child in an extremely family-oriented household, my participation in the care of my brother and sister was inevitable. I would often be the one taking my siblings to their family physician appointments and was able to witness first hand just how important a primary care physician is in the lives of not only their …show more content…

The family physician becomes a very important person in the lives of their patients allowing them to shape and mold their patients in the right direction for the rest of their lives when it comes to their well-being. Prior to my family medicine rotations, I falsely assumed that only internal medicine or pediatrics could provide me with an enhanced level of intellectual stimulation that I desired. While the scope of pathological processes I observed in internal medicine appealed to my cerebral nature, I was often discouraged by seeing patients who were so far along in their disease that rather than medicine being preventative and proactive it was more temporary and reactive. I often found on my internal medicine rotations that despite my enthusiasm about patient care and patient counseling I could not find a way to win the war with the alcoholic liver diseased patient or the smoking COPD patients. They were so deeply rooted in their habits that no matter what I would say as a physician it would seem as though my advice would just be white noise to them. I quickly realized that in order to be able to practice preventative and proactive medicine I would have to seek a specialty where I could form the appropriate emotional bonds with my patients in order to encourage them to make appropriate choices throughout their lives. This type of purity and holistic nature in medicine just cannot be found in any other specialty aside from family …show more content…

The fact that family medicine is not limited to any one particular specialty requires that family physicians have a broad range of knowledge across all specialties. I recognized that in order to become a good family physician I would have to constantly be educating myself and be up to date with my medical knowledge. After graduating from medical school in May of 2014, I became a physician assistant at General Practice Medicine Clinic in New Jersey under Dr. Dhirmalani. During this time, I have been attending to all of the patients that come to our

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