Hyphenations Research Paper

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Hyphenations placed on colored Americans provide a feeling of inferiority, leading to discord between citizens of the United States of America. Hyphenations lead to inequality received by non-whites in the United States. Therefore, other cultures within America receive little credit for the good of America 's culture, because of the distinction between race. For example Mukherjee claims, “Conversely, in 1994, Tavares, Florida, the Lake County School Board announced its policy (since overturned) requiring middle school teachers to instruct their students that American culture, by which the board meant European-American culture, is inherently ‘superior to other foreign or historic cultures.’”(Mukherjee pg. 19) When the Lake County School Board announced the new policy, the board expressed the beliefs of Tavares, Florida and what the community deemed necessary for the children 's education. The idea that a majority of Americans believe European-American culture superior to other hyphenated Americans creates an unequal amount of gratitude …show more content…

Hyphenations lead to the absence of unity amongst citizens of the United States of America. Therefore, a majority of colored Americans feel the need to partake in American culture, unnecessary and repulsive. To strengthen the previous point, Mukherjee claims, “Many of them, though they reside permanently in the united states and participate in its economy, consistently denounce American ideals and institutions.” (Mukherjee pg. ?) most often individuals place hyphenations onto other groups, but on occasion citizens categorize themselves into their own hyphenated category. For example, when sanctioned into certain racial groups, the individuals amongst the group disclude themselves from activities performed by other groups. Deciding to omit from activities performed by the general public allows them to live with the mindset that besides the fact they lack invitation, they allow themselves to believe they never wanted