Hypohydration In The Human Body

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Human body consists predominantly of water. Approximately 95% for a embryo, 75% at the birth periode, decreases from 70 to 60% for an adult an adult and even 50% for an elderly person. In our body we have about hundred trillion cells so when we don’t bother to supply them with enough water, the cells simply dry up over time, then we are in a state call hypohydration. Hypohydration can cause some dysfunction of vital functions, organs and the like. Ultimately, one can expect to have diseases related to hypohydration or even aggravation of the condition of the human body. It is known for example that during a hypohydration the body becomes less effective because the physical abilities are diminished and the intellectual capacities allowing the …show more content…

There are also mechanisms put in place by our body to counter this loss of water in order to have at all times a level stable enough to avoid health problems due to a great loss of water. What we are going to try to see is how this affects human performance, will a sportsman in hypodration see these performances diminished or if they remain the same? We therefore decided to study the hypohydration and the consequence on physical performance, for that we will first work on the macroscopic aspect. We will analyze the effect of hypohydration on the use of glycol, on the temperature of the human body or on the perception of pain. We will use studies done by scientists to give us valid information to explain the results. Then, in a second stage, we will study the effect of hypohydration on the human body itself, that is to say that we will see the link between cramps and hypohydration, we will also see tendinitis and More precisely what happens in the cartilage and joints. Finally we will see at the enzymatic level before tackling the regulation of water in the human …show more content…

A regular athlete will naturally have a higher glycogen stock than a sedentary.
Glycogen is a rapidly mobilizable form of glucose storage. It is found in the liver and skeletal muscles. It is present in the cytosol in the form of granules which contain the enzymes that catalyze its synthesis, degradation and regulation.
A study that we explored aims to determine whether mild dehydration can influence the use of skeletal glycogen and performance during high intensity and intermittent cycle exercises in ice hockey players compared to hydration the water.
The study is based on a test. Eight men followed a protocol of three periods P containing 10 x 45 seconds (450 s) of cycling (approximately 133% VO2 max) followed by 135 s of passive rest. Some did not drink water, which resulted in dehydration, while others kept the body mass by drinking WATER. Hydration would help maintain the body.
Muscular biopsies showed that the use of glycogene remains approximately the same between NF (without water) and WATER (with water) tests. Indeed: (P1 + P2 : 350.1 ± 31.9 VS 413.2 ± 33.2) ; (P3 : 103.5 ± 16.2 VS 131.5 ± 18.9 mmol.kg dm-1).
Dehydration therefore has no influence on the use of