Hysteria In The Crucible

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What causes hysteria in a society and how do people react in these situations? In the Crucible by Arthur Miller the town leads straight to mass hysteria because of the Salem witch trials. Arthur Miller's purpose in the crucible was to present to the reader the hysteria that can come from people who think they are doing the “right” thing. When the town erupts with the thought of witchery everything goes crazy. People accuse people left and right. In our past we have seen many things that are caused by hysteria like the Salem witch trials, McCarthyism, and other business. This connects to modern day activities where hysteria leads to businesses losing profit. Mass hysteria is the spread of panic and fear. Abigail Williams is one of the first …show more content…

His initial trial to determine witchery between tituba and Abigail started the hysteria in the town. Him continuing the trials when more people are accused causes the town to blow up with words and craziness. After reverend hale's actions the town was blinded by the thought of witchery and didn't see clearly when someone got accused and was just scared of the “Devil.” Hale unintentionally causes Abigail and Tituba to confess to witchery when they do this. Thus, causing Abigail to say she saw other people with the devil. Some of Abigail's accusations are forced by reverend hale. Reverend Hale thought he was doing the right thing when starting the accusations and witch trials. He ended up starting something that will ruin the town. The panic he started caused people to die and reputations to be completely …show more content…

In the real world there are problems where businesses lose profit and people lose their reputations because of the hysteria of people. In une 1999, people were claiming that they were getting sick from drinking Coca-Cola. This coca cola incident wasn't a break of food illness, it was an outbreak of mass hysteria. The coca cola caused a case control study. This study concluded that people are not possibly able to because of. Caracol stated that their drink could not have caused any toxicity because of its low concentration. This case ended up being an outbreak of mass hysteria. Due to the first few schools saying that the coca cola soft drink was causing nausea, headaches, etc people go in their heads. Since everyone was freaking out about this and getting “sick”coca cola ended up taking away 15 million crates of coca cola around belgium,. they also temporarily closed some of their factories in belgium. Like in the crucible hysteria ruined the town and peoples lives, hysteria caused a giant company like coca cola to lose a lot of business and for people to live in fear. The people who were getting sick and spreading the information about the “ Bad” coca cola thought they were doing the right thing. Instead, they were ruining a big company and spreading false