I Am Achilles Research Paper

481 Words2 Pages
I am Achilles, I am the bravest, greatest warrior and invincible. I’ve fought in many wars for my city. When I was younger, it was foretold that I would die young. In attempts to avoid my fate my mother, Thetis dipped me in the river Styx so that I could be forever invincible. Except she held me by my heel. So my heel was not washed over by the powers of the magical river.
My life began with war. I found life in every life I extinguished, in every heart I plunged with a sword and in every man I brought to his knees. Over the years, I have defeated countless opponents on the battlefield. My most famous battle was the Trojan war, you may have read about it in the Iliad by Homer. This battle was when the prince of Troy, Paris, abducted queen