I M Lovin It Analysis

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McDonalds can trick many people in various ways. McDonalds begins with everyone’s hearing and memory with the catchy slogan “I’m Lovin’ It.” The memory works ”when [people] remember new facts by repeating them or by employing various mnemonic devices, that are actually passing them through the hippocampus several times” (Goldman). An average child will see 253 McDonald commercials per year or 21 McDonald commericals per month, making it irresitable to memories the three basic words (Feloni). The statement of “I’m Lovin’ It,” is misleading people to believe that they are the subject “I” creating them to think they are to love the food that they eat in the restraunt. The founder of McDonalds, Ray Kroc, stated that,”Perfection is difficult to …show more content…

Very few people know what is in a McDonald’s burger. For example, the meat is washed with ammonium hydroxide, which is “used in fertilizations and cleaning products” and 70% of the meat McDonald uses contains this chemical (Ammonium). The chemical can lead to irratiation in eyes, nose, throat, ears, skin, make it hard to breathe, affect the blood, and cause vomitting. This does not include any of the other ingredients in the burgers, vegetables, fruits, chicken nuggets, and bread. McDonalds fools their customers by the pictures posted throughout the world. McDonald’s “take less than three minutes to create an average burger to give to a customer” but spends over three hours to prepare the burger that appears on TV, magazines, bulltine boards, newspapers, and posters (Wohl). The preperation time for the advertising burger does not include the time it takes for lighting, the photoshoot time, or the photo editing process. All of these misleading advertisements to get people to buy their food is what guides America to …show more content…

One-third of the American adult population, meaning 35% of adult Americans, are obese. America faces the “consequences of obesity [such as] heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, liver damage, respitory problems, mental health issues, and/or osteoarthritis” (Obesity). The number leading cause of death in America is heart disease. 2,200 people die per day from heart disease and 800,000 people die per year from heart disease. An average person should consume 400 calories per meal, but the most common meal that an average American has, the Big Mac, contains 540 calories just itself. Including a medium size meal of drink, fries, and the burger the total calories would be 1,130, which leaves the person with only 800 calories left for the day (McDonald’s). McDonalds have been sued over one thousand times just for the topic of the growth of obesity. A large portion of the McDonalds that were sued occured in Texas, Michigan, and Illinois, which all three states are on both top ten lists for obesity and the top ten states with the most

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