I Ve Hercules: Comparing The Book And Movie

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After reading Hercules from Hamilton and watching the movie I’ve noticed certain similarities and differences between them both. In both the book and the movie Hercules is portrayed as a heroic symbol and recognized for his god like strength. Hercules “the demigod” the strongest man to walk to the earth, since birth he showed signs of such heroism in the face of danger. For example in both the movie and the book there’s a scene where Hercules and his brother Iphicles after having their share of milk from Hera sleep soundly in the night. But in the midst of the darkness two great snakes came crawling into the nursery, Iphicles screamed while Hercules grasped the deadly creatures by their throat until they died (Hamilton). From that moment they knew he was destined to do something great. However his uncontrollable anger was taking control over him. In Hamilton he’s killed so many people without …show more content…

Hera goddess of war still jealous of Hercules because he was the son of Zeus was determined to kill him sent madness upon him and caused him to commit and unjust deed. He killed his wife Megara and kid’s in cold blood right after she lifted his curse and his sanity returned. He was filled with anger and grief for what he had done; he went to consult the oracle to atone for his sins. The oracles sent him to King of Mycenae to do whatever he commanded of him, he went willing, ready to whatever necessary to cleanse himself of that terror. The king devised a series of tasks that would never be possible for any ordinary man but for Hercules it was another test of his unimaginable strength and will. The twelve labors first, were to kill the lion of Nema which he killed by choking the beast to death, second kill the creature hydra with nine heads which was more difficult to do since one of the heads was immortal, and helped by his nephew who brought a burning brand which seared the

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