Ideal Woman In The Great Gatsby

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A thorough analysis of The Greats Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, demonstrate a woman named Daisy is pressured to act according to the current era ethics. Daisy is portrayed as an ideal woman from a quick glance, however she is far from the current norm and she contains flaws that do not come from the mold a woman is expected to be shaped from in the modern era.
It becomes conspicuous in a statement from Gatsby that Daisy priorities wealth over love. “’She never loved you, do you hear?’ he cried. ‘She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me.” (pg. 137) For Gatsby, Daisy is a perfect woman whom he has strived after for years and forged his life around getting her back. It is due to the fact that Gatsby holds Daisy …show more content…

This becomes evident in the conversation between the child and Daisy. “I got dressed before luncheon,’ said the child, turning eagerly to Daisy. ‘That’s because your mother wanted to show you off.” (pg. 123) A woman’s job has often been to care for the children and educate them into becoming adults, Daisy chooses to pay no heed to proud child accomplishment and soon after try and get the child to compliment Gatsby. By doing so it becomes apparent that Daisy holds no desire to either compliment the child for growing up, nor pay attention to her if it had not been to show her off.

F. Scott Fitzengerald create Daisy to be the perfect women from a shallow outside perspective, however he displays her as a different character that hides her true self because she feels like she is required to hide it. He shows the influence from the roaring twenties and that women are not simple housewives with one mindset, instead she differs greatly from the perfect women by the times standard and shows that women might want something else than what is given and expected of