Ideas That Transformed The World Study Guide

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Ideas that transformed the world 1. Gravity- Isaac Newton is considered the greatest scientist of all time. Gravity is the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth. Before the idea of gravity no one knew why things fall back down while they are thrown into the air. His Theory of Relativity also explained why the planets orbit around the sun. It provided a great framework for future physicians and for the development of the technology today. We can see the application of the Theory of Relativity in our day to day lives. For example, our car’s GPS navigation system works accurately because of the satellites. The idea of satellites was based on this theory. 2. Evolution- Until nineteenth century, many religious people believed …show more content…

It gives the right and freedom to every individual to have their own opinions and choices. It put end to problems like misuse of authority, lack of accountability etc. 4. United Nations - after the end of World War II, the US president Franklin Roosevelt created this new world order which would prevent wars in future. It was established to ensure peace and security, economic and social development, protection of human rights, establishment of international law for justice all over the world. 5. Human rights and Women’s Liberalization- Throughout the history, basic human rights have been ignored and women’s rights were limited. In many societies women were considered a disgrace or weak. This led to women’s suffrage movement in the nineteenth century. After the formation of United Nations, these basic needs were formalized. “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (UN Declaration of Human Rights, …show more content…

Fire- The most important discovery of all the time is was discovered in the Stone Age which dated about 3.4 million years ago. It was also a turning point of human evolution as we use fire for heat, cooking, light and energy. It is considered that it was discovered accidently when two stones were rubbed against each other. Today fire is used in different forms for various activities; it is an essential element for survival. For example, today fire is used Thermal Fire stations to heat up the water. 2. Light bulb- light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison with a carbon filament which would not burn for 40 hours approximately. Earlier all important work was completed before the sun went down. With nights being illuminated by light, it facilitated many human activities even at night. Factories now work throughout the night to produce more goods and services and this contributes to the economic