
Identify And Explain The Key Steps In The Recovery Journey Of Simon By Simon

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Firstly it would be advisable for Simon to be assessed by a mental health professional and a CPA put into place. This will allow us to pinpoint his illnesses and work with professionals to get him the help and support that is required.
"The recovery journey involves looking wider than someone's health problems- it recognizes and fosters abilities, interests and dreams" (www.mindingyourhead.info). Bearing the CPA in mind it is vital that Simon doesn't just focus on what issues he has. He will be given the tools to be able to look beyond the problems (although these problems may never go away), know what triggers the problems and learn new ways to cope with them. Sometimes with mental health problems its not about going back to being the person …show more content…

It encourages them to move forward, set new goals and do things and develop relationships that give their lives meaning" (www.imhcn.org)
Simon needs to know that recovery will take time, and like life in general there will be ups and downs, good and bad days but by taking the journey of recovery life can be great. Problems won't just disappear overnight but by working through things he can take control.
Accepting his problems would be the first step in his recovery. Denial can hold you back, so it would be crucial for Simon to be aware of what his happening to him. His next step would be gaining insight into what's happening to him and why. This can be through receiving treatment/support from a professional. He will then gain a good understanding of the warning signs (triggers) and would learn how to cope with them more effectively.
The next step would be for Simon to set goals and objectives which will enable him/parents to monitor his progress. For example if Simon knows that he always feels happier when he has done exercise he would need to plan a form of exercise into his day- that could be going for a walk, going on his bike or playing

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