Identify Three Key Things Adults Can Do To Support Children's Coping And Competence Skills

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Q2. Identify three key things adults can do to support children’s developing coping and competence skills. Describe an interaction you either had or observed that you feel either a. Illustrates how a child’s coping and competence skills were supported and why? Among all living creators, human baby is the one who is totally depended upon their primary caregivers at time of birth. Early years specially first five to six years are very important for children in learning to cope and become competent so that they can confidently engage with the world around them. By receiving proper rearing a child will develop the ability to control their emotion, attention and behavior in any situation (CC, pg1). In this regards, the role of primary caregivers is very important in providing the essential support to the children. Social interaction between the children and their primary caregivers is very important to develop coping and competence skills because through these back and forth interactions children develop capacity of self-regulation (CC, page 1, Shanker- introduction to self-regulation). For primary caregivers it is therefore …show more content…

For example, in Parwaaz Programme we have an activity for children age six months till twelve months, in which children have to crawl towards a shaker or a block which is at a distance away from them. Parents motivate their children to come and pick the object. As the child moves toward the block or shaker, parent puts the object little farther. Sometime I have observed that children feel difficulty to reach to the object. This makes them exhaust and cry. But the support and interaction parents do with their children at that time help them to control their emotion and reach to the object. After few sessions, children become competent to do this task. It’s one of the amazing experience I have

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