Identify Which Moral Theories Have A Significant Influence On The Social Construct Of The Surgeon

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The decision as to whether it would be morally acceptable for the operation to take place, lies in the social construct of the surgeon and what influences her morals. Throughout the course of this essay I will identify theories on morality that will offer a framework as to how we think and identify which moral theories have a significant influence on the social construct of the surgeon which consequently will reveal her decision. Utilitarianism; right and wrong is determined by an outcome whereby happiness outweighs the consequences of the moral dilemma, in this case killing one man to save five. This is one of the theories the surgeon would potentially base her decision on. If the surgeon believed in this theory, her decisions would not be influenced by any personal preferences or interests, she would in turn believe it morally admissible to operate, as sacrificing the life of one person to save five people would be for the greater good, as the action may lead to overall happiness which in-turn outweighs the bad. However, the possibility that the organs will take in all patients, is not certain which places a flaw in this argument and moral theory. …show more content…

Assuming the surgeon’s self interest was to save her clients, the validity of this theory would have to be discussed, self interest does not always have an influence on morals and the assumption that her morals are subjective is flawed. The surgeon may desire to operate, saving five lives and killing one but who we are to assume that her self interest cloud her morals. In this case she would be killing one man to preserve the life of five, on the other she could simply let the five die and allow the man to live his

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