Identity In Edward Scissorhands

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In the movie, of Edward Scissorhands there are multitude stranger. The stranger can be who is new to the community or can be outsider. Most of the time they look different and weird because they have different culture, or lived in different environment. Edward, Esmeralda, and police officer are the stranger in the film. Edward had very tough time to fit into neighborhood. He has long curly hair, scarf on his face and the Scissorhands. The rumors started go around the neighborhood when he first came to Peg house. “He was born up their or something”. She knows Edward not natural and she is trying keep him in the house so neighbors could not see him. Peg had plan to get rid of scarf by doing make up on his face. When Peg was talking to Edward she said “bending is the secrete”. That means you got to blend in society to be successfully fit in the neighborhood. She is trying to hide the scarf so neighbors can not see it. His Manosh 2 perception change and everyone started to like him because he has talent. People started to realize that he is smart and kind. Evan, Bill and Kevin are friendly with him and Edward started to be part of the family. …show more content…

She looks like evil and she think Edward is evil and creepy. All the time she stays inside the house and if something happen she come from behind blame at people by saying creepy and evil. She never accept him as part of neighbor. “The power of satan is in him. I can feel it”. She always think Edward is bad and Satan. “I saw the sign of satan on him. You didn't heed my warning”. Later on she started to judge him and Bill’s family. “You have the poor sheep strayed so far from the path”. That mean holy is true and they do not fit anymore. Also Edward said “we are no sheep”. It means we are not follower. Yes the perception change when Edward left the