Identity In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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Silas Reinhold 3/23/23 Period 7 The Strive for Idenity In the novella, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, a salesman by the name of Gregor wakes up one morning as a massive vermin. Once his family sees him, they lock him inside his room away from everyone else since they view him as a monster. Throughout the story, he’s always stuck in his room due to his family not wanting to see him, which eventually becomes the place where he dies. Kafka creates a connection between Gregor and his bedroom to symbolize the importance of how self-identity makes us feel human. At the beginning of the story, there is a description of what is in Gregor’s bedroom. There are depictions of various items that Gregor sells as a salesman and most notably, a picture …show more content…

Since Gregor was a vermin, he would crawl along the walls which his family noticed. Once his mother and sister noticed this, they began moving furniture out of his room to give more space for him. Essentially, Gregor didn’t see a massive issue with this until they were going to remove his desk and the picture of the woman. Once he learns of this, Gregor freaks out. He freaks out since he feels a close connection to these two items. His desk is important to him since it was the desk he spent most of his time at during school. He freaks out over the image since he had a deep connection with it as well as he had an attraction to the woman. To combat his mother and sister taking his stuff, for example, he attached himself to the picture, so his family would not take it. He also went to the extent of leaving his room to retrieve his desk that was taken. Ultimately, Gregor went berserk when his mother and sister were taking his items out of his room because those were the last items that made him feel human. At this point, Gregor had been a vermin for a while, and he was slowly losing his humanity. He already felt disconnected from humanity due to his job, but the items in his room were the last objects he was able to connect with. Once these objects were out of his room, he felt as if he was not Gregor anymore symbolizing how our rooms help us to feel like