
Ideology Of The Reagan Administration In Superman II

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Ideology of the Reagan Administration in Superman II Ideology and our perspective in this world might not always be entirely in our control, as our lives are constantly influenced by media and larger contributing factors, changing our views and ideology of everything around us. Post World War II, the United States fell into deep conflict with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War. Afterwards, Ronald Reagan became the president of the United States, and issued a massive military budget increase to defend against potential threats. Reagan represented a change that would eventually lead to “making the American people believe in themselves again"(Miller). Promoting a female antagonist as overwhelmingly dominate, and also a dependant superhero …show more content…

When his proposal for tax cuts passed, individuals gained economic freedom, followed by an incline in the economic growth. However, the ones who benefited most from these major tax cuts were the wealthy, further expanding the gap between the upper and lower classes, as “things most assuredly became harder for all but the wealthy”(Ungar). Along with the economic growth, a massive increase in military budget and insufficient cuts to other programs caused one of the country’s largest budget deficit (Britannica). The social statuses are represented by Superman as wealthy and successful person resembling Reagan, and the other ‘powerless’ humans who are unable to protect themselves as the poorer citizens of United States. Nevertheless, with power comes responsibility and that is what Reagan is trying to demonstrate with military power. The nation will be protected native threats, in contrast to how Superman is protecting all the world from super villains. The lower class’ voices are being unheard. The ideology presented from this example is represented by the increase in military budget that would help protect the citizens, in contrast to how powerful superman is to protect the world. Reagan's ideology consists of power in order to protect, by spending a large budget on military to protect America from the Soviet Union. An example of this administration is when Reagan proposed a project “Star Wars” to send lasers weapons into …show more content…

A research article states that confidence in body image played a significant role with the influence of media (Granatino, Body 29). The ideology that women are just as capable if not, more so than men. Despite having opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, Reagan “would support equal rights for women and work actively to advance women throughout society” (New York Times). Following the promotion of self-assurance, women are able to act more confidently. Therefore, women would gain the individuality to support Reagan and his promises to further advance women in society. The promotion of strong women is demonstrated throughout the film Superman II. An example is a low-angle close up shot featuring the supervillain Ursa’s body to head showing her outfit with three unique badges obtained from the previous men she encountered and defeated(Superman II, 01:05:50). Another example implying the importance of women equality is when Clark Kent’s boss says “ No offense. You’re good but Lois is better” (Superman II, 10:27). Lois continues to prove her independence in the film, by facing dangers and accepting change. Confident women will fight for their own independence and equality rights by supporting Reagan. Reagan appointed a woman to the Supreme Court however, promises to continue advancing women in

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