Idiocrasy: Meursault And The Sun

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Physics is “a science that deals with matter and energy and the way they act on each other in heat […]”. Representing Meursault and the sun as matters has been the main purpose of my project. I believe that Meursault idiocrasy is mainly shaped by the sun. The LDR-Brain conveyed two ideas. Firstly, the one that LDRs’rate of working depend of light intensity. And secondly, Meursault reaction when he constantly pays attention to the sun 's rays. Meursault is this physical substance that is totally distinct from human mind, emotions, desire, and spirituality. The sun or the heat portrayed in “The Stranger” is the symbol of emotions and feeling that Meursault ego struggle to deal with. The sun is overpowering force that bears down Meursault and his different view of …show more content…

People laughed.” This sentence depicts the sun as the cruel which pushed Meursault to kill the Arab. Following this action, according to Meursault he only “[…] shook off the sweat and sun.” Again, Meursault first insight was only about the sun, and paying less attention to the morality of his action. As well as the State 2 of my project shows the hostility between our subject XY and the sun, the page 59 of the book reflected the same hostility between Meursault and the sun. At the beach, the sun “slap[ed] [him] in the face.” and started “[…] to burn [his] cheeks, […]” to remind him “the day […] [he has] burred Maman”. At this point, Meursault experienced dizziness and disturbance he has already experienced during his mother burial. As if to annoyed him more, “The light shot off the steel [of the Arab] and it was like a long flashing blade cutting at his forehead”. Forthwith, the sun’s treachery shows the immoral role of Meursault’s idiocrasy in killing the Arab. The sun tormented, pained, compelled, stressed, tensed and mercilessly drove him in jail. The sun then symbolizes the leading stick in this inherent absurdity of