IEP Meeting And Communication Plans For Special Needs Students

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Alicia Wilson is and special education teacher that I have known for a year through subbing in the Parkway School District here in St. Louis, MO. She is the lead teacher for all of the staff that services special needs students at Shenandoah Elementary. Her duties not only include supervising those teachers but also leading IEP meeting and communicating plans for special needs children. Starting off my questions, Wilson described a stakeholder during an IEP meeting are the people that fill the room. This group includes the school administration, parents, the school board of education, teachers, and even the student themselves. Students are present to witness all debates and verdicts in their wellbeing as well as communicating favorites and …show more content…

If not it is usually they teacher that starts the meeting off and states what will be covered and why they are there. The meeting usually starts off with the child being asked various questions by the staff in their learning, things that they like and don’t like. They are then dismissed to go back to class and then the floor opens to the parents in concerns. The IEP meeting should end on understanding between the parents, teachers, and administrators in having a clear plan and understanding of how to execute the student’s learning to get them to the end goal in being prepared after their education careers. In the IEP meeting it is important to state the main components of the plan in stating the child’s present level of performance in education and measuring the short-term goals as well as benchmark. Wilson was very adamant in how she stays on top of these goal by doing assessments as well as being able to reach other goals including behavioral. Transitioning involves the student, parent, teachers, the school administration. The main outcome in this part of a student’s life in for the student to graduate from high school and gaining a diploma and have independency to the point that they are knowledgeable and