If You Send Your Kid To Private School Critical Analysis

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For much of human history, people have tried to improve their knowledge. Even Solomon wrote in Proverbs, “How much better to get wisdom than gold!” Yet, people do not agree on the best way to obtain knowledge. Some believe in homeschooling or private schools while others strongly believe in the public school system. In her article “If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person,” Allison Benedikt, the news director for Slate, argues all parents should send their children to public schools. She proposes that people should “[invest]” their children in public schools so that the schools will have more parent involvement, money, and higher quality students which will improve the schools. However, Benedikt’s argument falls apart when faced with logic and facts. …show more content…

When public schools risk losing students to private institutions, they have an incentive to progress, or they will collapse. For instance, a study about the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC) showed how public schools change when they have to compete to keep students who could go to a private school. Interestingly, the study showed that public schools geographically closer to private schools and therefore competing for the same students had higher test scores (Hart). On the other hand, when a public school, or any school for that matter, has everyone enrolled, they have no reason to work hard to teach the students because no other education options exist. Truly, Benedikt’s biased assumption that all students should attend public schools disintegrates when faced with the fact that competition improves

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