
Iggy Influence Of Western Culture

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Iggy Azalea’s music video “Bounce” meant to be a playful, Bollywood party but turned out to be a harmful act of cultural appropriation. The video is full of the blatant disregard for the importance of cultural customs. By parading around in the traditional sari outfits and wearing the bindi the video ends up misrepresenting an entire culture. She is taking everything from India and using it in her video as only a prop. She is using everything as her own in the wrong way. A westerner comes into this poor country and uses the culture as a prop. Iggy Azalea’s intentions were noble but the final execution was one that only benefitted her. “Bounce” takes cultural norms and customs of India and degrades its authenticity. Iggy opens the video with an artistic overview of India, which clearly shows its poverty. The scene then cuts to Iggy clad in a …show more content…

In Indian culture there is a Hindu deity called Ganesha. This is the most well known worshipped god for being the remover of obstacles and god of wisdom. Ganesha is an elephant deity. From the very start Iggy is committing acts of representational and religious appropriation that are offensive. Throughout the whole video Iggy and other women can be seen adorning sari’s and bindi’s. These are the traditional outfits for women and the red circles placed in between the eyes, respectively. The sari dates back to sacred works of literature at the start of the Hindu religion where they were first mentioned. The bindi symbolizes the sixth chakra that retains energy and strengthens concentration. Even though these are just every day wear for Indian women, knowing the history behind it might have changed Iggy’s actions. She is dancing provocatively and

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