Illegal Immigration: Migration To The United States

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Immigration is the migration of people across national borders, illegal immigration is the same process done by violating the destination country 's laws. Hopefully I will be able to redefine the opinion people have on immigration. By choosing Immigration Law I hope to impact the lives of people whose voices are not heard. I will be providing information about illegal immigration and how my future career in law can help undocumented persons. Major issues undocumented individuals have to face in society are exploitation of undocumented workers, post high school educational opportunities, and assimilation to the United States culture.
How much of the population is undocumented? Most people do not know how many individuals are living in the shadows …show more content…

It is hard to determine how many of the two million are enrolled in high school, however it is known that about 65 thousand graduate each year from high school. Unfortunately it is difficult for them to further their education, statistics show 5-10% continue on to a higher education. A primary obstacle for illegal students is financial. They are not capable of receiving financial aid and only private universities accept them. As Rose Yabarra states in her article “For undocumented students, going to college takes more than discipline and an impressive academic record. It requires money--big money--since undocumented students in most states pay out-of-state tuition rates, and without a Social Security number, there are few scholarship opportunities.” this gives a description of the troubles young undocumented immigrants …show more content…

The article Assimilation and Identity quotes U.S. representatives Virgil Goode 's words "Some of those that come to this country from Mexico aren 't interested in assimilation. They 're interested in bringing Mexico to this country. I think when people come to this country they should be interested in assimilation." this is an example of the opinion most American citizens have for immigrants. It is important to know different opinions and views others hold, but it is also necessary to know what people are put through. First generation immigrants are pushed to assimilate to the United States culture. These immigrants were more than likely raised speaking another language and practicing other cultures, second generation migrants speak both English and their native language, by the third generation most of their language and culture is erased. It takes about three generations to “assimilate.” These generations have to embrace American culture while others put them down for their own culture. Languages are forgotten, and native cultures are not celebrated. Many can and do argue that immigrants need to assimilate right away but, fail to realize how difficult it is to lose your identity for the sake of other people 's

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