Why Do Americans Need Illegal Immigrants

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For decades, many Americans think that illegal immigration is a problem and that is it something that needs to be controlled. The main reason Americans have a problem with illegal immigration is because they think that illegal immigrants are taking our resources or needs; however, research has shown that illegal immigrants do not take away resources from Americans. Some illegal immigrants come here at a young age and some come here at an old age. Most of the time illegal immigrants come to America for jobs so they can provide for their families back home and some other reasons why illegal immigrants come here is that they have family here in American that can help them. The reason why they come to America to find jobs is because the pay is …show more content…

Economy by Daniel Costa, David Cooper, and Heidi Shierholz states, “ Unauthorized immigrants generally cannot receive benefits from government programs, except in some cases, such as when illegal immigrants children receive public education, and in somes states that allow illegal immigrants to attend state colleges at in-state tuition rates”. Immigrants and their children contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits (Johnson, 10). A significant portion of illegal immigrants file taxes using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs); however, many unauthorized immigrants don’t file because they fear deportation (Costa). Although, there are a lot of illegal immigrants, they are not overpopulating our country. Recent estimates show that there are about 11.5 to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, that is about one-third of the foreign-born population. There are over 400 million citizen in the United States. In the PDF, The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration by Gordon D. Hanson states, “ In 2005, there were thirty-five million immigrants living in the United States, of which 30 percent were in the country illegally and 3 percent were temporary legal residents” (6). The foreign-born now make up 12 percent of the U.S. population. In the website The Facts on Immigration Today: 2017 Edition by the CAP Immigration Team and Michael D. Nicholson states, “The number of foreign-born individuals in …show more content…

Illegal immigrants are doing the U.S. a favor by taking the jobs we don’t want, they create jobs for Americans when they make businesses, they increase our earnings, and produce things we need. Illegal immigrants cannot take our government fundings since they would not be eligible and they also have to have a social security card in order to receive some sort of help from the government.They might be only taking up half of the population and although that is a lot of immigrants, most of them have recently got deported because of Trump but they still contribute to the economy and overpopulating would be almost all of the United States. Keeping open the borders and letting illegal immigrants come into this country would help us build a better