Illegal Immigration Satire

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The land we call home is experiencing a massive crisis that will drastically degrade its quality of life. Illegal immigration is a critical issue that must not be ignored. The costs of illegal immigration far outweigh the benefits. Aliens cause our citizen’s taxes to increase, they steal their jobs, and they disregard basic American laws. The American government must terminate all illegal immigration because of the destructive effects it has on American society. Most people would be punished if they blatantly broke laws. However, illegal immigrants seem to get away with law breaking day after day. It is stated very clearly that illegal immigration is against U.S. law. Despite that, there are still immigrants crossing over the U.S. border …show more content…

civilians. The average annual fiscal deficit among illegal immigrants totaled $14,387 per household. U.S. citizens are responsible for making up that loss. They are shelling out their hard earned money for these aliens to live here. Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers around $113 billion a year. The net fiscal cost of immigration is between $11 billion and $22 billion per year. These stats further exemplify the financial burden that illegal immigrants place on U.S. citizens through taxes. Taxes are never easy. Increased taxes are even worse. Illegal immigrants increase the fiscal burden of taxes for Americans. Illegal immigration hurts the taxpayers in more ways than just increased taxes. Immigrants take benefits from the people that they were intended for. Because of this, the quality of lives of the people they were intended for will decrease if they are not able to receive these …show more content…

Since illegal immigrants do not have to be paid a minimum value, they are more likely to get the job offer than the American that has to be paid the federal and state wide minimum wages. They also do not have the labor laws attached to them that American workers do. Due to these factors, bosses are more likely to hire the illegal immigrant. When cheap labor dominates, the overall wages go down. So even the Americans who are able to keep their jobs are affected. Because of illegal immigration, more and more Americans are struggling to find or are losing their jobs in their own country. Not having a job will cause a heavy economic burden for you to deal with. It is impossible to provide for your family when you are jobless. It is not like aliens are helping the economy. Instead of circulating the money back in, they send billions of dollars every year back to their home countries. Immigrants not only take jobs away from U.S. citizens, but they also take the services meant for the citizens. Even though aliens don’t pay taxes, they still are entitled to free health care, education, and food stamps. They are more likely to use the taxpayer funded social services than the citizens they were intended for. Overall, illegal immigrants are crippling American citizens

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