
Imagery And Symbolism In Ray Bradbury's

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Through symbolism, imagery, and the characterization of Leonard Mead, Bradbury highlights the danger technological advancement poses to a society’s individuality. Since the first introduction of Leonard Mead, Bradbury presents the audience with a cynical, almost bitter, protagonist. As he walks through empty streets, Mr. Mead asks the people in his society what they are watching, knowing he won’t get a response, but pauses when he thinks he hears a “murmur of laughter”, lonely for someone who had not been transformed into the same emotionless citizen technology has caused this society to contain. Mead is an outcast of his society, without a wife or “viewing screen” which rebels against his society because it is seen as unnatural. He is also a writer, one of the most creative careers, though the mindless people …show more content…

Mead is said to be “not unlike a night moth”, attracted to light and the thought it stands for, though he is aware it’ll kill him. His actions, thus, are almost suicidal. They draw attention and he is stopped by the end of the story, but Mead cannot help himself from expressing his individuality through comprehension and intellect. Later, he is held by light “like a museum specimen”, apparently alive, but actually dead and immobile--an accurate depiction of the citizens in the society had become because of their “innovation”. It is also an alarming reminder of what may happen to the protagonist after being arrested. Leonard Mead’s final vision of his house is illuminated with “all of its electric lights brilliantly lit” contrasting to the “cool darkness” of the houses surrounding it. In this sense, Bradbury is contrasting the intelligence Mead shows in comparison to his neighbors. As expected, the communities glorified technology doesn’t produce thought either. Television light is described as “ill-lit” and as the people sat near it, the knowledge light represents was “never really touching

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