Imagery And Symbolism In Victoria Aveyard's Red Queen

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The story “Red Queen” by Victoria Aveyard is a very symbolic and intriguing novel. Theauthor uses blood, something every living person must have, to draw a line between people. Theauthor gives one blood color, the silver blood group, magical powers while the other group, thereds, are left to clean up after the pefect silvers. This story also uses betrayal to symbolizerebellion against the color of the blood.A phrase repeated throughout the story is “anyone can betray anyone”. The imagery ofthis phrase plays a large part in the story. But deeper than the overall plot of the story is how itsymbolizes rebellion, for standing up for what you know is right even if it’s never been donebefore or if it’s not the popular thing. This symbol, and the plot, creates the image of inequalityand how it is able to produce an untrusting world. …show more content…

The blood symbolizes inequality as well. One group has magical power while the othergroup must work themselves to death. “This is the true division between silvers and reds: thecolor of our blood. This simple difference makes them stronger, smarter, better than us”(9). Thisis similar to the idea in “Animal Farm” about how everyone is equal, but some are more equalthan others. The silvers have this idea stamped in their brains that they are, and always will be,better than the reds. However, the reds are tired of how they are forced to live, and they are willing to fight and die to prove the silvers wrong. In the novel, the main character turned out tobe a simple red girl with silver powers. She was given an opportunity. It was her choice to act onthat gift for the benefit of the red’s or the silvers she was becoming. Unlike some people aroundher, she saw the silvers for who they really were, who they were becoming. “The gods rule