Imagery In Mark Welch's Dirty Love '

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Imagery is a prominent literary element throughout all of Dirty Love. This is most notable in the beginning of the book. The author focuses so much on imagery in fact that at times it was hard to follow what the point of each section was. After reading through more passages it became clear that the imagery’s purpose was for theatrical suspense. It was through imagery that we learn the main character, Mark, was cheated on by his wife, Laura. It’s through imagery that we learn she cheated on him with Frank Harrison Jr. and Mark hired a private eye to film the evidence. The imagery that lead to this reveal begins with the following, “Eleven weeks and four days ago, she is filmed spreading her legs for another man’s tongue after having just exercised and so she must have still been sweating quite a bit and yet the bald man did it anyway and she said, well screamed really. “It’s because of you! All you do is criticize me! I’m never good enough no matter what I fucking do! You made me do it!” …show more content…

The imagery makes the reader believe the bald man and woman with the pony tail might be strangers. “Mark Welch has not seen this in a while. The first weeks it came daily, but then, as things have become what they have, he’s stopped seeing it so often and its power has faded. Still, he’d rather not see it now and he’d only made himself watch it twice, both times on the Sony flat-screen in the living room of the main house, his heart kicking like a hanged man’s