Immigrant Definition Essay

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The define word nigger is one of the most offensive words used in America towards African Americans. The word has grown the increase of offensiveness over the last few years and is still growing to this day. My definition of ignorant is a person who is loud all the time and don’t care how they look or sound in public. A person who will cause a situation or cuss a person out for not doing exactly what they want when they want, also ignorant can be a person with lack of intelligence and or knowledge. The synonym for the word ignorant is uneducated. The definition for illiterate is someone with a very low education, can’t read or write at all and is struggling with language and literature. The synonym for this word is ignorant. The word dishonest I define it as a person who lies, cheats, and steals, and will never tell the truth no matter what making you never want to …show more content…

But on my opinion I think its because African Americans were called that back in years of the revoluntary war and I think some still use it to this day. African Americans was persecuted and murdered by others. No African Americans are not responsible for the plight in America. Many African-American men and women in America face the feeling every day that without having committed any wrong they are already suspects. When a man is arrested in Baltimore on a charge of carrying an illegal knife and ends up dead a week later, there is something desperately wrong. Is there any mystery about the anger of the African-American community Unfortunately, African-Americans in this country’s history have faced discrimination at every turn. Even after segregation ended, blacks faced all types of bigotry and racism. They had poorer schools, lesser resources directed to their areas, bias and hatred based on the color of their skin, and their needs were often ignored and treated as an afterthought by those in power and that’s my