Immigrants Leaving Ellis Island Essay

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Throughout the 1900s many immigrants came to the United States to have a better life. A immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. Immigrants who migrate to other countries need jobs,and money to support families. The “Irish Immigrants” by Michael Stahl,”The Promised Land” by Mary Anti, and the “Description of immigrants leaving Ellis Island” by Jacob Riis depict the immigrant experience for immigrant in the U.S. “The Promised Land” by Mary Antin show the new experience immigrants faced when they arrived to the United States. In the text “The Promised Land” by Mary Antin states that “We laughed immoderately over our various experiments with the novelty, which was a wholesome way of letting off steam …show more content…

In the text “The Description Of Immigrants Leaving Ellis Island” by Jacob Riis states that “led down on a long pathway divided in the middle by a wire screen, from behind which come shrieks of recognition from fathers, brothers, uncles, and aunts”. In the quote it explains how the immigrants left ellis island to greet their families that they have not seen for a long time. In the text it states that “Those who have no friends run the gauntlet of the boarding-house runners, and take their chances with the new freedom, unless the missionary or "the society" of their people holds out a helping hand”. The immigrants who came alone received help from the society, so they could have a easy start to their life. In the text “The Description Of Immigrants Leaving Ellis Island” by Jacob Riis states that “In another week the rainbow colors will have been laid aside, and the landscape will be poorer for it”.This quote means that the immigrants that came the week before were wearing bright colored clothing when they arrived to the Unite States but in another week those bright color clothing will be gone and the land will be dull once