Immigrants Shaping American Identity In 'Mother Tongue' By Richard Rodriguez

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A Change in America Identify

Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history - Oscar Handlin. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to immigrants. Yet, Immigrants have helped shaped American Identity by making America diverse and unique.

“Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans" by Richard Rodriguez, in the article America can be seen as a diverse country. Rodriguez implies how a competition has arise in America between Hispanics and African people, yet “ In Latin America, one sees every race of the world. One sees white Hispanics, one sees black Hispanics, One sees brown Hispanics who are Indians, many of whom do not speak Spanish”(pg.89). Thus, this reveals how Hispanic people come from many different backgrounds and are all over the places and how some even do not know Spanish which many people would assume they do. Eventually, Immigrants have identify American …show more content…

It helps shape identity because that's what makes you different from everybody else, not everyone is going to know the same languages ,but also your emotions makes you connect with yourself and your identity. During Amy Tan’s essay, she states “It had become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with”(12). This would have suggest that with everyone their is a different language we communicate with. For example, when going to work people are professional, but with friends it is completely different because with friends it is more comfortable talking in a manner that is not professional. Everywhere in life were going to talk different with the people around us because with some people we need to be more professional while with other it is more