How Have Computers Have Brought About A Change In The Field Of Education

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How have computers brought about a change in the field of education in the past two decades.
According to the dictionary technology is defined as the organization of knowledge for practical purposes. Technology has brought a great change in the life of people specially in the field of education with the introduction of computers. A computer is a device that accepts information in a digital form and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. The use of computers in education has facilitated access to learning tools, distance learning, virtual reality and communication. Education is made more fun, interesting and easy to learn and anyone can gain knowledge with just a click of a mouse.
As a learning tool, computers have provided students many ways to learn and teachers many different ways to teach, making the classroom more enjoyable and effective. The internet is one of the learning tools which is a network of computers in which users can share files, learn and complete many tasks. It is a great source of information. We heavily depend on its service especially in the area of education as it makes learning easier with the quick access of information. There are many tools, educational website such as Khan Academy, Courers, W3 Schools, TedEd, Open Culture, Academic Earth and many more which facilitate students to gain knowledge and information instead of depending on teachers and printed hard materials like