Impact Of Money In The Great Gatsby

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Impact of Love and Money in The Great Gatsby
“ There are people so poor the only thing they have is money.” The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about a guy named Nick Carraway who moves to West Egg in search of a better life. Nick becomes friends with his neighbor, Jay Gatsby, and later on finds out that he had a past relationship with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy left Gatsby for her husband Tom Buchanan because he was rich. Gatsby became a bootlegger and got a mansion across from her house. Nick reunites them and they fall in love again. Love and money impacted most of the characters in The Great Gatsby. Love impacted Gatsby's decision on his future and money impacted Daisy and Myrtle’s decisions on their marriage. Daisy made her decision of who she was going to marry based on money. When Jordan, Daisy’s friend, told Nick about Daisy’s past, she stated that she was in love with Gatsby but she chose Tom because he was rich. Before she got married she received a letter from Gatsby and she started crying and wanted to stop the wedding. Daisy grabbed her string of pearls that Tom gave to her and stated, “ ‘Take ‘em down-stairs and give ‘em back to whoever they belong to. Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mine. Say: Daisy’s change her mine!’”( Fitzgerald 76). She …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald is about a guy named Nick Carraway who moves to West Egg in search of a better life. Nick becomes friends with his neighbor, Jay Gatsby, and later on finds out that he had a past relationship with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy left Gatsby for her husband Tom Buchanan because he was rich. Gatsby became a bootlegger and got a mansion across from her house. Nick reunites them and they fall in love again. Love and money impacted most of the characters in The Great Gatsby. Love impacted Gatsby's decision on his future and money impacted Daisy and Myrtle’s decisions on their