It’s hard to believe that a tragedy such as World War II could positively impact somebody's identity. Yet, this is how Ned was impacted. Ned Begay, formerly known as Kii Yazhi, became a Code talker in the Marine forces after Pearl Harbor was bombed. His sacred language was needed after being considered useless for years. Ned’s experiences in World War II had a positively profound influence on how he came to view himself and his identity. His cultural aspects and renewed self-worth are grown by the war and help him along the way. Ned’s cultural Navajo identity is affected by World War II. For example, Ned says that he, "Pray[s] that none of you have to go to battle as I did. I also pray that you will fight to keep our language, to hold on to it with the same warrior spirit that our Indian people showed during that war.” (214) Ned’s language is an important aspect of his culture. This shows that he found Navajo important during the war, wanting his grandchildren to do the same if they go to war. Another way this idea is conveyed is during an enemyway. Ned says that “My balance had been restored. I could go forward on a path …show more content…
This is shown when Ned talks about how he was still viewed the same as before he served during the war. What did change, though, was his mindset. Ned states “But I did not walk away thinking things were hopeless” and that he “learned to be self-confident as a Marine” (210). During the war, he became self-confident, since Ned had to believe he would win. This impacts him after the war, giving him a long-term mindset of confidence. Ned also talks about how “We were proud to be Marines and even prouder of the role we had been chosen to play” (82). Ned and his fellow Marines are proud and have self-worth due to the use of their sacred language having significance in the war. Overall, Ned gains a boost of self-worth as a result of the