This topic is a very important aspect that may be used in my classroom to impact student learning and support the goals and mission of my clinical site. One way it impacts student learning is allows students to become better self-evaluators. Students clearly know what is expected of them and can make sure they are progressing towards the outcome of the instructional objective. Also, as the teacher it will help me evaluate their progress to make sure the students are containing the information. Having an understanding of where I can find some instruction objectives, will me find objectives that meet the school provided curriculum for my course. I can find objectives for my classroom through textbooks, the internet, and state and national standards. …show more content…
The information will help me impact student learning by teaching me how to write effective instructional objectives. The first step it teaches me is how to specify the general goal I want my students to accomplish. It shows me how I will take the goal can be used to write several objectives. This will help me make sure students can efficiently attain the goals of the class. The topic can be used in my classroom by explaining how to break down the goals into a more specific set of observable objectives. The first step is to break up the goal into two parts. The two parts are subject matter content and students’ response to that content. The second step is to take the subject matter-content clarify it and make it more specific. The third step is for me to determine what student response I expect from each statement. The fourth step is to identify the conditions. This topic will also help me in instruction planning. It will help me make sure my students’ needs are being met and they can reach their educational outcomes. It will impact student learning by making sure I eliminate topics that are less important and focus on the most important topics. It helps me when I am planning to balance the different levels of …show more content…
The topic will help impact student learning by making sure students are provided with all the information they may need. The topic will also help me in my clinical and future classroom by explaining how instructional objectives can help me teach. In CED 300, I have three lessons that I will have to teach. It will help my students have a clarification of what is expected of them. A researched based strategy that may help in my classroom is to provide students with handouts of well-defined instructional objectives. I should make sure the objectives are at the correct level and is relevant to the content. It impacts student learning by preparing them for classroom instruction. It explains to the students what is expected of them to know or be able to do with the completion of the lesson activity. The topic taught me to prepare students it may be helpful to tell them what they need to do to get the most out of the activities and how to accomplish them successfully. I can also use the learning objectives as a guide throughout the instruction for me and my students. It will keep both of us focused. It impacts student learning by reducing the problem of being off track and focusing on wrong topics