
'Imperfection In Wallace Stevens Poems Of Our Climate'

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Paradise. Mankind free of sin, free of troubles, free of unpredictability. But is paradise truly paradise? Is the infinite routine, complete perfection, and determination of every outcome truly satisfying? In the world of human beings, the answer is no. Imperfection provides variety, unpredictability, and the capacity for progress. The need for imperfection is subconsciously built deep inside inside us, found only through the complexity of our minds. In a world of unpredictability, constant improvement is what brings triumph. Such a chance for improvement only exists in a world of imperfection; therefore, the complexity of our minds is exactly what makes humanity strive for progress. “Poems of Our Climate,” by Wallace Stevens, conveys human nature’s tendency to …show more content…

Sophocles states that “But the hand that struck my eyes was mine, mine alone--no one else-- I did it all myself!” (Oedipus-1469-1471). Oedipus is owning up to his own actions and establishes his own sense of moral responsibility because he does not blame the gods for what happened, but himself. He says that “the hand that struck my eyes” were his own, expressing that he chose to blind himself due to the great moral responsibility he feels to own up for the action he did. The drive of curiosity and the consequences of complex minds do not just apply to Oedipus. Sophocles provides an excerpt from Teiresias stating, “Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the man that 's wise! This I knew well, but had forgotten it, else I would not have come here” (Teiresias, 342-345). The pursuit of wisdom or knowledge is driven by curiosity and Teiresias expresses that wisdom brings no good to man. The urge of curiosity is so strong that even Tiresias, a prophet that can see everything, forgets about the “no profit” disadvantage that comes along with the pursuit of knowledge that is caused by

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